Sunday, September 20, 2009
Short and Sweet
Danielle has been crawling for at least a month now and is now pulling up to a standing position on the furniture. She is so proud of herself and she gets so excited with her new adventures. I enjoy watching her. She is really a good baby. I've got it sooooo easy with her. She rarely fusses and she's a good sleeper for the most part. Although recently she has been waking up at least once a night due to teething pain. That part has been kinda hard on me. I spent the first few months of her life praying for the time she'd sleep through the night. And, after a few months, it finally came. Just when I'm getting back to my old sleep routine, it's all messed up again and she's back to waking up in the middle of the night. Ugh. It's hard, but I'm actually getting used to it. She's quick to fall back asleep.
I'm still nursing her and have been supplementing with Gerber Stage 3 foods, Gerber Puffs, Cheerios and most recently Gerber Yogurt Melts. She really likes those!!! I have given her some rice and she loved that too. I have a feeling she is going to be more of an adventurous eater than Carter was. He's actually kinda picky. But, he's a toddler, so I guess that is to be expected. I'm really proud that I have been able to nurse her for so long.
She loves books and really looks at all the pictures too! Carter would just flip the pages while I was mid-sentence. She studies the pages and takes it all in. She also points at the pictures. It's really cute. She also loves paper - newspaper, magazines, mail, you name it. Basically, anything crinkly. Of course I don't give it to her as I don't want her to choke on it.
As far as Danielle's speech goes, she has said 2 words so far: mama or mom and cat.
Carter is venturing into the "terrible two's" at full speed. He has REALLY kept me on my toes in the last few weeks, and not in a good way I'm afraid. He was jealous of Danielle when she first came home from the hospital, but got over it rather quickly. Now the jealousy is resurfacing and boy is it raring it's head with a vengeance! He will throw things at her, swat at her and try to kick her. It's SOOOOO not funny. It makes me so upset to see him act this way. I tell him no, give him time-outs, but nothing seems to get through to him. He just laughs. It drives me nuts. He wants the attention and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get it, including antagonizing his sister. The sad part is, he's not starved for attention by any means! We give him LOTS of attention. I just don't know what to do. My sister says it is just a phase. I hope it ends quickly. I used to be able to leave them together in a room at any given moment to take care of the dishes or chores or what not, and now I can't. It's frustrating.
On a more positive note, his vocabulary is growing immensely. He understands SO much and is now able to communicate with us better. We are getting less whining, which is awesome because there were days in the past where I just wanted to pop some ear plugs in my ears to sound it out. :-)
The last few months for me have been tiresome. These changes in Carter's behavior, coupled with Danielle's newfound adventures into crawling have really sapped me for energy. I find that the days seem too short. I can't get everything done that I need to and that leaves me frustrated. How do other stay at home mom's get all this stuff done at the end of the day? Am I just not cut out for this? Am I that terrible at time management? Do I have no resiliance? As you can see, I tend to be a bit hard on myself. Becoming a mother has basically forced me into becoming a better person. Things that I wouldn't normally worry about, such as my lack of patience, are now crucial to becoming a better parent. I need to work on that. I'm discovering that you need LOTS and lots of patience when you have children.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
More Videos
Ken's best friend Drew was in town from Georgia this week and stopped by for a visit with his wife Maryann and their son. Carter had SO much fun with them and especially enjoyed all the attention Maryann gave him. Above is a video clip I took of them playing together.
Danielle started making some new sounds this week. Little did I know this was the very beginning of her learning to make raspberries! Love how she puffs her cheeks. ;-)
She finally got it! She's almost 7 months old and she's just now doing raspberries! I thought she was never going to pick it up. I think it's adorable, even if she does get slobber all over her face.
Here's another video of her doing raspberries. I love it!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Home Videos
Here are some of my favorite videos of the week. This one is when Danielle said her first word - Mom!
Here is Danielle having her first taste of a graham cracker. She loved it!
This is a video of Carter and Danielle playing. This was Carter's Gymini when he was a baby, but Danielle has been enjoying it most recently. Apparently, Carter isn't too keen on sharing this with her, as he pushes her off it in the video. At first she was smiling while he nudged her off, then her eyes get all big near the end. Keep an eye on her as you watch. Hilarious!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Lots to Catch up On
Ken and I drove down to Columbus to spend the 4th of July with my sister and her family. She always has a party with some of her closest friends. It was a lot of fun. We had Mai Tai's and enjoyed some good food and great company. It was a bit challenging at times. We spent most of the night following Carter around to make sure he didn't hurt himself of get into trouble. Some of the kids there were older than Carter and a bit wild, so I wanted to make sure he was safe playing with them. I guess I'm still a bit of a nervous nelly Mom. It's just never fun seeing your own child in pain or hurt, so of course I try to protect him to the best of my ability.
I can now trust Carter to be alone with Danielle at any given moment. He knows how to be gentle and plays well with her. She sits up in her boppy and he'll bring her toys to play with. He talks to her - still mostly "Carter Gibberish". They smile at each other and laugh together. It is so endearing. I'm so glad I ended up having 2 kids.
Carter is also becoming quite the little helper. He understands so much, it amazes me. He can follow simple commands, like go get that or turn that light off, etc. He's very smart. Just last night Ken and I were joking that he has a bit of OCD in him. He kept stacking books on top of each other & lined them up perfectly on the couch. Then he would move them, one my one, to a stack on the floor. Granted, it was the end of the night and he was pretty zoned out and tired. It was still funny - he's our little organizer. Now if we could just teach him to put away his toys.
Life is getting busier for me day by day. It feels like I have less time for myself as each day passes. I'm lucky if I get a shower before noon! I found it hilarious to discover one of my male facebook friends, a man I went to high school with, could totally relate. His one update read "Finally got a shower in today. Whew, I thought it was gonna be one of those "Daddy's stinky" days." I thought that was so funny because I swore I was the only parent who had this problem. The little things I used to do out of boredom prior to having kids, like paint my toe nails while enjoying a glass of wine, are now a distant memory. I do miss the extra time I used to have. It feels like there are never enough hours in the day. When it all boils down, my kids and their needs come first. They are my number one priority. I treat them as a masterpiece in the making. My one personal goal is to have regular date nights with my husband once I'm finished nursing Danielle. He and I have really lost touch since having kids. It's all about them, taking care of them and our day to day routines. It's time to put some of the focus back on us as a couple. I remember telling my newly pregnant friends my one pice of advice after their baby is born - make sur eyou take time for just the two of you (date nights), and yet I'm not practicing what I preached. It really is important. Once you bcome a parent, it's so easy to just get lost in it all. So, that's where I'm at with that.
Random thoughts:
Tiny Dancer: Carter has got the moves! He is a dancing machine. It cracks me up watching him. I love it!
Beautiful Babies: Do all parents think their kids are the most beautiful babies on the planet? I certainly think mine are. Maybe it's just one of those things.
Moocher Alert: Danielle is a total moocher! She is always giving me the stare-down whenever I'm eating something. It's so cute! She has already had a taste of graham crackers and really enjoyed it.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Random Thoughts
On a more serious note, all these celebrity deaths recently have me blown away! It seems like everyday in the news another one bit the dust. Okay, that's a bad term, but I couldn't resist. All the stories making headlines have me even thinking about death in my subconscious. The other night I had a horrible nightmare that my daughter Danielle was dying. It was such a terrible dream. I pretty much had her in my arms all day long the following day. I couldn't put her down. I just can't imagine anything happening to my kids, nor do I want to. I don't think I'd want to go on living if I ever lost them.
Okay, that's about all I got for right now. I've been baking up a storm over here in preparation for the holiday weekend. I'm heading to Columbus with Ken and the kids to visit my sister and her family. She's having a party and I'm sure it's going to be a blast! I can't wait. Ken has yet to see my sister's newly adopted son David. The last time he was in Columbus was Thanksgiving of last year! Yikes! Time sure does fly.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Joys of Parenting
Then today, I realized Danielle had a poopy diaper. I laid out the changing pad on the living room floor and proceeded to get her cleaned up. Well, have you ever heard of the phrase "blow out"? Danielle has one of these at least twice a week. It's not fun and usually involves me having to completely undress her since her clothes inevitably get soiled. Then, I use about 10 wipes to get her fresh and clean. My husband hates it when I use that many, but if there is one thing that grosses me out it's touching poop. I told him to buy me gloves if he wants me to cut back on the amount of wipes. Well, she was laying there naked on the changing pad and I had to run her clothes into the laundry room to soak them. When I came back, not even a minute later, she had peed all over the place. I mean, it looked like a river! It was all over the changing pad and even in her hair! I kept muttering "Gross!" and "Eww" before finally just throwing a towel over her and hauling her upstairs to the bathtub. Nasty, and yet I will be laughing this off one day, right?
Like the time Carter was only a few days old and I was changing his diaper on the changing table. No sooner had I taken the diaper off him and he was peeing all over the place. Now, with boys it's a little different. It doesn't go down - it shoots straight up in the air and gets everywhere! In this case, all over his face and all over the wall. Lol. Good times, right? I'm already laughing about that one.
I'm sure I'll have many more stories just like these to share over the years. Parenting is taking me for the ride of my life. :-)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
These are the Moments I Cherish
Here are some of my favorite pictures. They always make me smile when I look at them.
This is a picture of Carter trying to plant a big kiss on his best friend Marissa. So cute!

Here he is giving his little sister a smooch. He does this many times throughout the day and also gives her lots of hugs. I know they are going to be best buds forever. He loves her so much.
How am I going to make it through this stage?
Songs of the Moment:
Friday, June 19, 2009
Busy Week
Here is an article about his friend Rocco from the L.A. Times.,0,5715542.story
I took Carter to get his haircut Tuesday. When his usual stylist asked me if I wanted to take it a bit shorter this time, I said yes (reluctantly). I was afraid Ken would be upset for getting it cut shorter without his permission. I honestly didn't think it was going to be that big of a difference. She wasn't even halfway through and I realized what his hair was going to look like afterwards - a buzz cut! When she said a little shorter, I thought that meant a little shorter - not the kind of haircut they give men before they head off to join the military! However, he still did look adorable afterwards. Ken didn't like it at all. He misses the old hairstyle and thinks he looked cuter with it longer. SO, we are going to let it grow out. Here is a picture of him with his new do.
Danielle rolled over for the first time yesterday, from back to belly. She's going to mobile before I can blink an eye! She loves playing with her big brother and I have so much fun watching the two of them together. He's the ever adoring big brother and likes to shower he with kisses and give her hugs. He has even tried to pick her up on a few occasions! Of course I discourage this because he is just too little to know how to hold her properly. Sometimes he sees her on the floor trying to roll over and she's ALMOST there. He'll come up to her and just gently push her over to get where she wanted to go. So cute. It'll be interesting to see how he acts once she starts crawling and then walking. Watch out! ;-)
Here is a video of Carter giving Danielle some big brother lovin'.
Today we took the kids to their well baby checkups with their pediatrician Dr. Lim. Carter has never really put up a fight when he has to be examined by the doctor, until now that is. As soon as we stepped into Dr. Lim's office, he was clinging to Ken. When she was looking into his ears and listening to his heart, he was having a fit! I couldn't believe it. The nurse said that the 18 month checkup and the 2 year checkup are usually the worst. By then, they know all about what the good doctor does - give shots! He was very scared and stayed in his Daddy's arms almost the entire time. When his doctor asked us to put him on the floor so she could watch him walk, he just stood there motionless! He wouldn't move! It was hilarious because this is so unlike Carter. He's always moving. He got his shots and only cried for maybe a minute, then he was place back into my arms. I took him to the lobby play area while Ken held Danielle as she got her shots. I just couldn't watch that. Danielle's little cry would just bring me to tears. She sticks that lower lip out so far that it just breaks my heart. When Ken brought her out of the room, she had tear stained eyes and looked like a doe in headlights. Poor pumpkin. I hate that part of the checkups. At least it's over. Here are their stats for height, weight and head circumference.
Carter 18 months
34 inches tall (90 percentile)
28.6 lbs. (85 percentile)
49.5 cm head (80 percentile)
Danielle 5 months 4 weeks
26 1/2 inches tall (80 percentile)
16.5 lbs. (60 percentile)
43 cm head (75 percentile)
All in all, I'm so glad this week is almost over. I'm exhausted. The weather has been crummy all week. It has been rainy and humid. The kids and I have been spending the week inside where it is cool and dry. It's weeks like these where I feel like a caged animal. Being stuck indoors is not fun. I can only stand so many episodes of Sid the Science Kid or Curious George. One good thing about this week was a super fun playdate Carter had with his good friend Marissa. My friend Stephanie and her daughter Marissa came over on Wednesday afternoon for a few hours. It was really nice catching up with her and watching our kids together. They really do seem to enjoy each others company. Carter even gave her a kiss! She reciprocated with one of her own shortly after. It was hilarious! I tried to get a good picture, but I wasn't sitting at a good angle. Here's a few pics from our afternoon together.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Song of the Day
I thought it would only be fitting to do a Song of the Day after having a Recipe of the Day. Just tonight I heard this song on a commercial on t.v. It's a song I hadn't heard in quite awhile, but absolutely love, so I thought I'd share. Here is a video link so you can watch it.
Recipe of The Day: Sloppy Joe Sandwiches
It's been awhile since I tried a new recipe, and I found a really good one for all my readers. It's simple too! We always have ground beef on hand in our freezer, but I get tired of making the same recipes with it - tacos or meatloaf. I wanted to try something different, so I scoured my cookbooks and found this Sloppy Joe recipe. The last time I had Sloppy Joe's was last summer when Ken, Carter and I were visiting my Dad & Lynn in Concord. Lynn makes her own variation of the traditional recipe and it is really yummy. Since I only have the ingredients listed in the recipe on hand today, I will make it according to the directions and see how it turns out.
20 minutes later. . . . .
Awesome!!! I love it! It has to simmer for 30 minutes, but I sneaked a taste and it is delicious. I think Carter will like it too. Here is the recipe:
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Let the Fun Begin - A Week of Milestones

Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday Madness
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My Little Monkey

Ken thinks toddlers eating habits are just plain disgusting. Therefore, I'm almost always the one that feeds our boy. It's messy, to say the least. However, this is how they learn so I try to go with the flow and let him have some fun with it. We rarely feed him anything but snacks in our living room, but this time we snuck him a few bites of chicken. Here he is being his usual goofy self for the pictures.
A Day at the Park
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday Moaning
I was by myself with both kids last night. Ken had gone to see Roger Clyne's concert with some of his friends. He left around 4:30 p.m. Let me just say that those 4 1/2 hours alone with my children was a bit rough. I do it everyday, so why was it so terrible last night? I was tired from a busy weekend and both Carter and Danielle were extra needy. Carter's latest thing is yelling - not only when he's upset, but when he gets excited over something, or when he wants something, and maybe even when he's just bored. It was cute at first, but not so much now. I'm eager for him to use more words and less of this other nonsense. Danielle just didn't want me to put her down AND she wouldn't take a nap either. She's had a cold for over a week now. Her body is still trying to get rid of it and she still coughs occasionally. That's probably why she was a little cranky last night.
It's crazy how much more busy I am now that I have two kids. When it was just Carter, I could be lazy at any given moment. I don't have that option these days. Any down time I have when the kids are sleeping is used for cleaning the house, doing dishes or laundry, and cooking. It's hard to manage it all. I want to pull my hair out most days, but I can't do that because I hardly have any left! This thing called postpartum hair loss might as well be called postpartum balding. Everytime I get out of the shower and squeeze the water from my hair, I have about 6 strands in my hand when I'm finished. When I blowdry my hair, it's flying out all over the place. It's on the sink, on the bathroom floor, in my hair scruchie. I looked at the back and top of my head with a mirror yesterday and I could see my scalp! I wanted to cry.
I'm also still working on shedding those last 10 lbs. from being pregnant. It's hard. I want to diet so bad, but I can't right now. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize how well the breastfeeding is going. Crash dieting would cause my milk supply to dip. I feel like I would be selfish if I did that. Danielle deserves to have the best start in life, and I'm so proud to be able to give that to her. I had so many problems with breastfeeding when Carter was born. The recovery from his birth was difficult for me both physically and emotionally. Caring for a newborn while trying to heal from a difficult delivery AND master breastfeeding was all a bit much for me back then. I wasn't taking care of myself in that I hardly ate. I had no appetite. I pretty much lived off of Nutri-Grain bars and Cheerios. I'm sure that had something to do with why the breastfeeding didn't go well with Carter. You're supposed to eat healthy, and I wasn't. You're supposed to get adequate sleep, and I didn't. You're supposed to limit stress - ha ha ha, that's a laugh! Long story short, I should just relax a little and be proud of what I'm doing. There's plenty of time for me to get my body back the way I want it to be. I just have a habit of being really hard on myself.
My self-image isn't the only thing I want to work on. I feel like I got lost somewhere in between having Carter and having Danielle. Who I was before having kids and who I am now is so different. I love being a Mom. I don't want to be the person I was back then - it's impossible anyhow. I guess I'm in the process of redefining who I am and who I want to be. What kind of Mom do I want to be? What kind of wife do I want to be? How do I find balance between all these things and still have a sense of identity? These are the questions I've been asking myself.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Third Time is Not Always the Charm

Friday, May 15, 2009
She Speaks!!!
I was feeding Carter dinner a few days ago with Danielle sitting on my lap. She loves watching her big brother and always gives him BIG smiles. Of course Carter just eats up the attention. I swear they can communicate with each other with just their facial expressions. It's like they have their own conversation going on between themselves. Anyhow, Carter got so excited by his audience that he started kicking his legs while sitting in the high chair. Danielle started smiling really big, and then out of nowhere she starts giggling uncontrollably. Before that moment I had only heard her laugh on one other occasion and it was a chuckle at best. This was something else altogether. I was so shocked because just moments before she had been yawning. Hearing her giggle like that warmed my heart so much it brought tears of joy to my eyes. Hearing your kids laugh is the best thing in the world. Ever since that day she hasn't stop jabbering. I love it! It's fun to just sit back and listen to the two of them babble away. It's music to my ears.
Here she is playing in her exersaucer and jabbering away.
The Chair
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Carter & Marissa's Playdate

Carter enjoyed showing Marissa some of his favorite toys and stuffed animals. He kept handing her stuff. It was too cute.

SNACK TIME!!! All that playing made the little ones hungry! When I put down the treats, they dove right in. Marissa really liked the Honey Bees graham crackers.

Marissa likes to make silly faces too!!! Perhaps that's why the two of them get along so well.

PEEK-A-BOO!!! I see you!!! She always has fun in the ball pit! Marissa has her own at home too.

She's such a cutie-pie! I look at her and think about Danielle and wonder how she'll be at Marissa's age.

Everytime these two are together they end up swapping sippy cups! It's crazy. At one point, we had 3 sippy cups floating around the living room. Carter tries to hoard them all. He is still learning the whole concept of sharing. What do you think of Carter's outfit??? His Aunt Cathy got it for him recently and I think he looks adorable in it!

Carter LOVES his new playmate so much and decided to show her with a great big bear hug! She was a bit taken back by his affection, but enjoyed the gesture nonetheless. He's such a good boy!